Photo "Jardini" Copyright © Paolo Campisi, Sicilian Family Productions,
All Rights Reserved
Silence In Exchange
Have you ever taken the time to
take on someone else's sorrow,
or to take up someone else's pain?
Have you taken the time to
stand in the way of their misery
and to absorb it,
distracting them,
letting it take you
for a few minutes instead of them?
It is possible yet only may it be
for a short while relief.
What a gift to know
what they are going through and
with a few words steal it away
from their reality,
to bear a moment of their sorrow,
to trade them a moment
of your peace for their pain.
You can be assured,
that as overwhelmed as you are
touched by their sorrows' intensity,
they will be amazed by its absence,
left to silence by your peace.
P. J. Campise